5. Connecting to SIEM


  1. Registering the application in your tenant
  2. Selecting a Plan

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EZSSH enables your security team to monitor access granted through EZSSH by pushing the information to your SIEM. If your SIEM provider is not currently supported email your Keytos contact and request a connector for that specific provider.

Connecting To Azure Sentinel

  1. Go to the EZSSH Portal.
  2. Click on Settings. EZSSH Settings
  3. Expand your subscription’s advanced settings. EZSSH Settings
  4. Enable the “Send Audit Logs” to SIEM option. EZSSH Settings
  5. Select Sentinel as the SIEM Provider. EZSSH Settings
  6. In another tab, go to the Azure Portal
  7. Select the log analytics connected to your Sentinel instance.
  8. Click on “Agents Management”. Azure Log Analytics
  9. Copy Your Workspace ID. Azure Log Analytics
  10. Go back to the EZSSH tab and paste it in the “Workspace ID” field. EZSSH Settings
  11. Go back to the Azure tab and copy the primary key. Azure Log Analytics
  12. Go back to the EZSSH tab and paste the key in the “Workspace Key” field. EZSSH Settings
  13. Click the “Test Connection” button, this will create a test log in your SIEM to make sure EZSSH can write to the SIEM. EZSSH Settings
  14. If the connection test is successful, click “Save changes”. EZSSH Settings
  15. EZSSH will now send your access logs to your SIEM. If an error occurs it will email your subscription owners.

Creating Alerts in Azure Sentinel

Using Azure Sentinel enables you to create alerts for abnormal behavior. This section will show you a sample of an alert you can set to detect misuse of EZSSH.

Creating an alert to detect if a user is re-using SSH Keys

  1. In your Azure Sentinel instance, go to Analytics.
  2. Click create in the top left.
  3. Select “Schedule Query”
  4. In the Alert Name enter “EZGIT Same Key”
  5. In the description “Alerts if a user reuses same key to access GitHub”
  6. Select the appropriate severity. Azure Sentinel
  7. Enter the following Query:
EZSSH_GIT_CL  | summarize  Count=count() by UserPublicKey_s | where  Count > 1
  1. Select how often you want to check for this alert.
  2. Set the response you want the SIEM to perform. (We would recommend an email to the user copying the security team to learn more if this was an intended activity).
  3. Create the Alert.

Other Queries

EZSSH uses custom tables to store the data in Azure log analytics. Below are some sample queries that should help you get started with exploring the EZSSH data.

Get All SSH Requests that granted an SSH Certificate

To get all the requests that created an SSH certificate, run the following Query:

EZSSH_SSH_CL | where ActionPerformed_s != "Test Connection" and isempty(Certificate_s) == false

This query can be then used to correlate with SSH logins to verify that all logins are done with an EZSSH certificate.

Getting the count of Git Certificate requested by user

To get the number of Git certificate a user has requested, run the following query:

EZSSH_GIT_CL | summarize  Count=count()  by  Date=format_datetime(RequestDate_t, 'd-M-yyyy '), RequestorFriendlyName_s 

This query is useful to find anomalies on a user requesting a higher number of certificates than usual.